Wellness Warrior Program

This design was an assignment from Universal Creative as a way to make a finalist for the Graphic Design position. Not only did I get the job, they also wanted to utilize the Wellness Warrior program! Here is the assignment given: Choose between two topics, Wellness or Earth Day, and make 2 - 3 different formats. The formats I did was a Logo Design, One-Sheet, and a Newsletter Masthead.


Logo Design

Wellness is a passion of mine outside of design. This logo was inspired by one of my favorite poses in yoga which is called Warrior 2. It is a strong pose and really strengthens the muscles in your legs. The direction I went with the logo as brush strokes came from the inspiration of Kanji and Japanese calligraphy. Because the name of the pose is warrior, it sparked the idea to name this program “Wellness Warrior”. The picture above shows my process in how I created the logo first, which was with ink and black acrylic paint. I sketched a simple icon with a pencil, and then went over it with the ink or the acrylic trying to find the best stroke of the brush. After creating a multitude of the same design, I took a picture of the designs I found most visually appealing, and then I put them into Photoshop to fix the contrast and lighting, and then I can transfer it into Illustrator to make the raster image a vector design.



There are so many ways for someone to practice wellness for themselves, whether that be physical, mental, or financial, the possibilities seem to be endless. I wanted to provide an engaging activity for Universal Team Members to take part of. I came up with a bingo card and a sticker sheet that includes different ways for employees to be mindful of their bodies, minds, and money. The activities are written in past tense, so employees have the chance to “check off” each item on the list. I also invited the idea of using the stickers for this activity that can be used on the employee’s calendar or planners, so they can plan days ahead when they will be doing any of these activities.


Newsletter Masthead

For the newsletter masthead, I wanted to use the same branding I have built for Wellness Warrior, so the campaign is consistent and all would be easily recognized as a brand. Below, I have included a mock up of a newsletter and how this might look as a whole.